Sunday, January 21, 2007

A Toboggan . . . or A Toboggan

I do a screening with Kindergartners to see how their speech-language skills are developing. There's this part where I have to get them to say certain words in order to hear how they produce the sounds.

HAT, HAT, all I want them to do is say HAT. My prompt, "When it's cold outside you wear a coat, gloves, and a _ _ _." I say this as I am pointing to my head.
Kid #1 response, "A toboggan." Oh poor kid. He only understood the cold part, totally missed the prompt of me pointing to my head. I corrected the young lad, explaining a toboggan is something you ride down a hill in the snow; you know like a sled.
Kid #2 response, "A toboggan." WOW! That's the second kid that said that. Kinda weird. Did they go to preschool? Again, I corrected this child and moved on.
I had a couple more students make the same mistake. Well they are only Kindergartners, they live in Virginia, there's not much snow here . . . I made excuses for them.
A few weeks later I found myself in the room when the preschool teacher was giving instructions for an activity. I was listening with one ear as she identified the different winter clothing items.
"Coat, mittens, scarf, toboggan, boots, snow pants . . . "
My ears perked up. WHAT . . . wait . . . did she just say toboggan? I looked up and sure enough there was a picture of a winter hat.

Surely she must have misspoke. Is this where all the Kindergartners got it from? It stemmed from preschool? Not wanting this class to mislearn the vocabulary I enquired. And sure enough . . . toboggan is a term they use for a winter hat. Who would have thought . . . not me.

I was dumbfounded. They were right. All those kids I thought were mixed-up. This . . . this stocking cap was their toboggan.
I grew up in Michigan, of course I knew what a toboggan was. But did I really? I knew what my toboggan was. And they knew what their toboggan was. But our toboggans were not the same.

I thought they were mixed up. They probably thought I was crazy.
English is one language, but we cannot forget the great dialectical variance it has.

Rojelio & Annie enjoying the first snowfall of the year in their nice warm toboggans.


Anonymous said...

people in virginia are weird. You need to come back to grand rapids!!

JC said...

that is really funny! I hope the kids passed their test! In MN, the kids go "sliding" down the hill as opposed to "sledding" down the hill. But, they do use a toboggan, or sled, or saucer, or a cardboard box.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if any of the kids in Virgina ever ran their toboggans into a tree? I can see it now a line of kids running down a hill head first with their toboggans on. Just think you don't really need snow.