Friday, July 11, 2008

Under the Knife

She kissed her husband goodbye. The anesthesiologists wheeled her down the hall. The experienced surgeon walked into the OR. Got down to business. He sliced four incisions into the young mother's abdomen as she lay helpless on the operating table while under the miracles of modern day anaesthetics.

Slice . . . slice . . . slice . . . slice . . . poke . . . poke . . . poke . . . snip . . . snip . . . YANK . . . stitch . . . stitch . . . stitch . . . stitch . . . .

Yesterday Annie had laparoscopic gallbladder surgery. No complications were experienced. Recovery is going well. Her abdomen feels like she did a hundred million sit-ups.

Annie before her first surgery ever.

Annie in the "bear hug." It's this gown that a tube plugs into, it puffs up with air and you can control the temperature. Research shows patients that are warmer pre-surgery do better during surgery . . . take it as you will.


Erin said...

Glad to hear you are doing well. I can't believe Lucia is 2 months old already. Time sure flies... Looks like your move was painless, I'll have to try that next time.

Audra said...

Oh my goodness...i'm glad your surg. went well!!