Sunday, November 02, 2008

Brief Cameo

Many fans of The Inner Loop have been inquiring about Whoozit.
Well you'll be happy to know Whoozit is doing well and loved more than ever. Since Whoo-Whoo has rigorous periods of activity he often has to take naps in order to recover for his next bout of fun.
Lucia & Whoo-Whoo
He gets lots of hugs . . .

. . . and kisses.
Whoozit is very much loved.

"I'd like to thank all my fans for your concerns and inquiring about me. I continue to be happy with my family, though wish my daily kisses weren't so wet." -- Whoo-Whoo Whoozit


Audra said...

Things I've learned from Annie's post...1. I hope my baby is as cute and happy as Lucia. 2. I need a Whoozit!
She is sooo cute, I always look forward to seeing her when I'm online!

JC said...

I love looking at pictures of my precious second cousin! Thanks for posting them! I love technology!

BTW- You have been tagged. Go to our blog and check out the directions!

Kathryn said...

My son has a whoozit too (affectionatley known as Mr Whoozit!) and he too LOVES it!

Your little girl is beautiful by the way! :0)

My son too has a haemangioma on his cheek which fingers crossed seems to have stopped growing now (he's 6 months old)
