Monday, June 26, 2006

Garage Sale

It was Friday May 12. We loaded up the Explorer with our many treasures that we were willing to part with for a minimal monitory value. We were heading to Rojelio's dad's house in Westland to have our first ever garage sale.

The Explorer was packed from ceiling to floor, front to back; we were please with ourselves that we were able to put everything in one car to save on gas money.

We were off to a good start. After we loaded up the Explorer we took off, planning on stopping for a quick bite to eat in Lansing.

We were driving for about 40-minutes.
Annie: What was that?
Rojelio: I think we just hit something in the road.
Annie: Sounded more like a pop to me!?

Shortly following that last comment the car began to overheat . . . we pulled over on the side of the freeway. Checked under the hood. The belt was gone!

At this point we weren't really sure where we were . . . the one time we don't bring the GPS . . . urgh! So by using our digital camera we were able to zoom in on the next closest exit sign. Our friendly Sprint operator was able to direct us to a semi-close auto repair.

To make a long story not too much longer, we were luckily able to find a garage to fix the car that night. It was a little more than the belt. So the 2 hour expected trip turned into a 6-hour adventure! We arrive in Westland at about midnight.

Oh yeah the garage sale!
We had the garage sale Saturday and Sunday. Since our trip was a little longer than expected we were really not set up very well. We were putting things out while people were walking up the driveway and pricing throughout the day.

It was very busy and fun on Saturday. Sunday began to get a little tedious. Around 1pm Rojelio yelled, "Everything's Free!" Annie replied, "HUH!"

So we drove back Sunday night with a nice empty car that was running smoothly.


JC said...

oh wow- that is technology for you. Too bad you couldn't make enough from your garage sale to pay for the car repair! I think I've about given up on garage sales and have turned to ebay.

Annie and Rojelio said...

Oh but we did make enough to pay for the car repair . . . i guess thats the sweet part i forgot and left out!

Anonymous said...

best garage sale Nick ever went to!