Sunday, August 27, 2006

Isn't it Ironic

As you may have read previously Annie's parents were in town early August. We all took a trip to Washington DC.

On the way home we were pulled over by the police in a small town in northern Virginia. Apparently we were going over the speed limit. A violation was not issued, only a verbal warning. We were grateful for that. We continued to go on our merry way, making up TV trivia questions for each other.

Just the other day Rojelio received an interesting piece of mail from the DC Metropolitian Police. The letter included two pictures of his car driving down the highway and a zoomed in picture of his license plate, not to mention the violation information. Well I'll be . . .

Isn't it ironic, dontcha think!?


Anonymous said...

What was the violation for?

JC said...

wow...big brother....

Anonymous said...

The border between Virgina and Maryland???!?!?