Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Observant Multitasker

Rojelio was stopped at a traffic light today on the way home from the hospital. He was talking to Annie on the phone; discussing ethical decisions within our jobs. He looked over to the right, there was a man, an elderly gentleman about 100ft away. Rojelio paused in conversation. This man was moving about a huge man-sized pot. Rojelio abruptly halted his discussion with Annie. He took a closer look at the man and what he was doing.

This elderly man was pulling something . . . he was pulling something out of this ginormous man-sized pot . . . something reddish in color. The light turned green. Rojelio made a sharp right. Fresh steamed Maryland crabs were on our dinner table!

Crustaceans anyone?

Rojelio's dad was happy as a clam enjoying his crab!

1 comment:

JC said...

Oh my gosh! We used to go crabbing all the time when we went to MD to visit family. YUMMY! We got our crabs out of the Choptank River.